CVPR 2021 — Deadlines, Links, Paper Template, Stats

Computer Vision Zurich
3 min readOct 15, 2020


CVPR 2021 is held online from 19th-25th of June 2021 | Joshua Ness, Unsplash

Official CVPR 2021 Website

LaTeX Template [Download]
Submission [CMT]
Guidelines [TLDR]

What is the format for the submission?

Main Paper: PDF | 8 Pages + Reference| 30MB | [Source]
Supplementary: PDF or ZIP |100MB

Put caption below figures/tables and end them with a dot.

When are the submission deadlines?

The deadline for the main paper is on the 16th of November.

However, you have to register your paper with the title, abstract, authors, and subject areas already on the 9th of November.


What if you miss the deadline?

The next big computer vision deadline is on March 17th, 2021 for ICCV.

How many papers get accepted at CVPR?

The acceptance rate is around 25%. The only criterium for acceptance is the peer review process and not a fixed ratio.

Outstanding papers are selected to be Oral. That means that they get more visibility at the conference.


What are examples of good CVPR papers?

The following three papers were published at CVPR 2020 and selected for awards.

Teaser of Best Paper Award [Paper]

Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects from Images in the Wild
Best Paper Award | [Paper]

BSP-Net: Generating Compact Meshes via Binary Space Partitioning Best Best Student Paper Award | [Paper]

DeepCap: Monocular Human Performance Capture Using Weak Supervision
Best Student Paper Honorable Mention | [Paper]

How many papers are published by area?


How good is CVPR?

CVPR has the highest rank of all computer vision conferences or journals. This is measured with the h5 index.

CVPR published 299 papers in the last five years and have at least 299 citations. It is followed by the conferences ICCV, ECCV, and the journals PAMI and TIP.


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